An Interview
CIMA poses one question to 6 artists.
Manu Parekh: I think it has. Humankind will gradually move from heightened individualism to increased collectivism. I am positive on the whole.
Ravinder G. Reddy: There has been no doubt, a major impact on human life as a result of Covid. It will take sometime before we respond appropriately to the new normal. As human beings we need to remain positive and respond to the times.
Paramjit Singh: This is a transitional stage. It will take time for the creative arts to react and respond to the covid impact. We as artists, need time to gestate before responding. It will gradually evolve.
N.N. Rimzon: I think the change is temporary. As things normalize ,we will gradually drift back to the normal rhythm of life which may change slightly but by and large sustain. I am positive about the future.
Yusuf: Covid has resulted in a major shift in our perception of life. While it has heightened insecurity and larger isolation vis a vis society in general it has brought the family unit together. So there is distancing and bonding happening simultaneously at different planes. Thus the Covid crisis has had a dual impact on humankind which is here to stay.
Prabhakar Kolte: Covid has happened. No point denying this new reality. We have to live and face this new reality with conviction, courage and creativity!
Jul 23, 2022
12 February – 13 March, 2021
Opening 12 February, 6 p.m.
24th December 2020
The crucial role of the arts in a time of global crisis
07th September 2020
Exposer to who across the world? Deviation away from centre
Art Heals
Produced by CIMA in May 2020, this video is a call by the art and cultural community of India and the world to unite and heal after the pain of the corona pandemic.
Participants: Prof. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Friso Maecker, Matthew Drutt, Ina Kaur, Dr Shreyashi Chatterjee, Wang Chenchun, Prateek Raja and Pratiti Basu Sarkar.
Moderator: Rakhi Sarkar
Zoom and Facebook Live
30th May 2020
Contemporary Art in the Global Context – A roundtable discussion with Matthew Drutt
Participants: Matthew Drutt (Curator and Writer, New York), Kunal Basu (Author), Niladri Chatterjee (Professor, Kalyani University), Shreyasi Chatterjee (Artist), Soham Gupta (Photographer), Veena Bhargava (Artist), Milena Chila Markhoff (Consultant), Benigna Chila (Artist), Rakhi Sarkar (Director and Curator, CIMA) and Pratiti Basu Sarkar (Chief Administrator, CIMA)
Venue: CIMA Gallery, Kolkata
14th January 2020
Indo-European Residency Project Kolkata 2019