Artist Artwork
Ina Kaur (b.1980) is a native of New Delhi. Kaur graduated with her Bachelors Degrees with from Chandigarh College of Art, Punjab, India and studied printmaking at M. S. University of Baroda. She was awarded a scholarship to pursue her terminal degree and completed her Masters of Fine Arts from Purdue University, USA. She is trained as a print-based artist, but her creative practice spreads across mediums and disciplines. Her interest extends further into creative explorations within the public sphere, social engagements, and collaboration. Kaur’s studio-research practice investigates how identities are defined and influenced by history, society and the culture in our immediate surrounding. Her current pre-occupations explore the ‘Inbetweeness’ or the ‘third space’ lying at the cusp of Localism and Globalism, which forms a new perspective ‘Hybridity’.