The concept behind the exhibition titled “Adbhutam-Rasa in Indian Art,” delves into the exploration of Indian art through the Indian aesthetic theory called Rasa. “Adbhutam”, meaning “wonder” or “astonishment,” was a journey back to the rich historical past of Indian aesthetics, to reevaluate its changing dynamics in a globalized and increasingly homogeneous world. This exhibition revealed the cultural diversity and unique artistic expressions that challenge the homogenization of contemporary art. It emphasized the significance of the philosophical legacy embedded in the Indian art tradition.
The catalogue includes contributions from Mrs. Rakhi Sarkar, Mr. Siri Gunasinghe, Ms. Rita Datta, Dr. Alka Pande, Ms. Sudha Gopalakrishnan, Ms. Pepita Seth, Ms. Deborah Thiagarajan and Mr. Suresh Jayaram, who provide their perspectives on the multifaceted aspects of “Adbhutam”, weaving together narratives that delve into myth, magic, sociological landscapes, visual expressions, and the symbiotic relationship between image and text within the Indian context.
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